GREAT Way to Socialize!

Smiles and Laughter, 
is what we are after! 
You get to use ALL of your senses!


We Dance to have FUN!
We dance for Smiles!
We dance our cares away!
We definitely don’t run.
But we dance for miles.
We dance the calories away!
It keeps us bright!
It lifts our spirits high!
So why not come join us when you can. 
You just might become the newest fan!


If you are looking for;
1. Social Aspects
2. Healthy Environment
3. Stress Relief
4. Cardiovascular Fitness
5. Body & Brain Boost
6. Calorie Burn
7.  Distance/Endurance
8. Sturdy Bones
9. Rehabilitation
10. Metal Health
11. Balance

Charlie Brown Squares Board

President – Carla Simpkins (541) 218-2539
1st Vice President – Rikki Lobato
2nd Vice President – Hannah Brown
Treasurer – Jeanne Lobato
Secretary – Briauna Haskins
Club Caller – “Square” Chuck Simpkins

The Club


  The Charlie Brown Squares dance club from Grants Pass, Oregon came into existence in 1967 when several energetic dancers decided  to form a new club.  They were ambitious and ready to dance anywhere they could and they wanted a name that reflected their cartoonish character and FUN! A name that was non-traditional for square dance clubs!!  The dancers gathered in the living room in one of the dancers homes to discuss their ideas on what the name of the the club  should be!  At that time they all were huge fans of the Peanuts comic strip written by Charles Schulz, so they suggested the “Charlie Brown  Squares.”  It was instantly a hit!  A non-traditional name that represents & sounds FUN!  Since most were avid “Charlie Brown” cartoon readers they decided to send a letter to get permission from Charles Schulz and to make him an honorary member!  The letter was sent in 1967 and a letter came back shortly after that granting permission and with Charles Schulz accepting an honorary membership!  So the dancers claimed the name and formed a club named the “Charlie Brown Squares”!
    The club was very small in the beginning but it didn’t take long for it to catch on and grow.  The Charlie Brown Squares danced in several different locations, one of which was the old Isaac Walton Building in Riverside Park near the boat ramp in Grants Pass.  The Charlie Browns, along with several other clubs, were finally able to set up the Square Dance Center in mid 1974, at the Josephine County Fairgrounds where they currently dance!  The club grew and flourished over the years.  
During its growth, the club has had some great leadership and workers to keep it strong.  For years, the “Charlies” have continued to be a “non-traditional” club that  is full of energy, character and fun!  The Charlie Browns hold beginner dance  programs several times a year.  Check out our Dance PROGRAMS PAGE for more information! In the early 2000’s, the “Charlie’s” acquired a nickname of “Rowdy Browns.”  Their fun loving nature and eagerness to tease and please earned them this title. When traveling to other dance clubs to dance a “Rowdy  Brown” often hears “Oh you’re one of those Charlie Browns, what fun!”, “You all are fun to dance with!” & “We love dancing with you, the “Rowdy Browns” sure know how to have FUN!”  So check us out and let’s get to havin’ some FUN!  The Charlie Brown membership, through the years, has seen over 150 dancers in the popular years of square dance and as low as 25 dancers during 2019 – 2021 (COVID).  The Charlie Browns are still known to be as happy, fun and welcoming as ever! It is one of the largest clubs in Southern Oregon and is still growing.  Their members have included dancers from as far north as Alaska to as far south as Southern California and beyond!